Ask Better Questions
A great question is an act of service because it helps the person you are speaking with see themselves or their situation from a different perspective and helps them better understand what they need or want. A great question gets right to the reason a customer is standing in front of you and gives you the information and context to solve their problem and make their day. In this habit you'll learn simple ways to take your questions from good to great. What are you waiting for?
About this Microlearn
When you have an amazing conversation, you walk away feeling energised. And those kinds of conversations start with rockstar questions!
What questions do you ask to start better conversations and get a clearer understanding of your customer's needs?
"Ask Better Questions" is designed to enhance your ability to ask questions that open up dialogue, encourage critical thinking, and foster deeper understanding.
What questions do you ask to start better conversations and get a clearer understanding of your customer's needs?
"Ask Better Questions" is designed to enhance your ability to ask questions that open up dialogue, encourage critical thinking, and foster deeper understanding.
In this course, you’ll learn what takes a question from good to great and practice techniques like opening up a "closed" question. You'll find it easier to start conversations that you truly enjoy and learn from and your customers will genuinely look forward to speaking with you.
What You'll Learn
In "Ask Better Questions" you will:
Understand the Difference Between Closed and Open Questions
Learn how closed questions can limit responses and how open questions can encourage more detailed and thoughtful answers.
Apply Questioning Skills in Various Scenarios
Practice using high-quality questions in different situations, from team meetings to customer interactions, to achieve clearer communication and better results.
Develop Techniques for Crafting Effective Questions
Discover strategies for framing questions that stimulate discussion, uncover insights, and lead to better problem-solving.
Foster a Culture of Inquiry and Curiosity
Learn how to use questions to inspire curiosity, drive innovation, and create a more open and collaborative environment.
Enhance Your Listening and Response Skills
Improve your ability to listen actively and respond appropriately to the answers you receive, creating a more dynamic and engaging conversation.
Are you ready to transform your communication and problem-solving skills by asking better questions?
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Frequently Asked Questions
Who should take this course?
This course is ideal for anyone looking to improve their communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills, whether in customer service, management, or team collaboration.
How will this course help me in my career?
By mastering the art of asking better questions, you’ll improve your ability to communicate clearly, solve problems effectively, and lead with confidence, making you a more valuable asset in any professional setting.
How do I enroll in the course?
Simply click the "Enroll Now" button on the course landing page and follow the instructions to register and gain access to the course materials.
Can I take this course if I have a busy schedule?
Absolutely! The self-paced format of the course allows you to work through the materials at your own pace, making it flexible for those with busy schedules.
Jaquie Scammell
In 2012, I left my corporate career to follow a more intentional and purposeful path. I made a vow to myself: I took on the task of understanding how to first serve myself to better serve others.
I started this business to remind people how simple serving others can be and that service always starts with you. When you feel well, cared for, and valued, you naturally bring this into your relationships with others.